Supporting Haringey's Youth Through Organised Activity and Participation

In the heart of Tottenham, a vibrant and empowering space has been made available through R.I.S.E Projects to cater to the needs of young people between the ages of 16 and 24. This youth club goes beyond just providing a recreational outlet, it serves as a hub for mentorship, employability support, and a welcoming environment for personal growth.


One of the key elements of our Youth Club is mentorship. We understand that navigating the transition from being in school to adulthood can be challenging, and our youth engagement team at R.I.S.E is here to guide and support every step of the way from educational choices to career aspirations. Additionally, we help in crafting compelling CVs and preparing for job interviews. Recognizing the importance of empowering young people with the skills and confidence needed to enter the workforce.


Our youth club is also a space for entertainment and skill development. Beyond mentorship sessions, young people can unwind and socialize by engaging in various activities, including Chess, Monopoly, Video games and much more. These activities not only provide entertainment but also encourage critical thinking and teamwork skills.


In essence, our youth club is not only a space for entertainment and camaraderie but also a nurturing environment for personal and professional development. By combining mentorship, employability support, and engaging activities, we aim to equip the youth with the tools they need to thrive and contribute positively to their community and beyond.