Our Somali Parents Support Project creates a knowledge base for Somali parents so that they are more able to overcome barriers in accessing services in Haringey. The project signposts and provides information and guidance services available in Haringey.
We offer support and practical help to Somali families in Haringey by engaging with Somali parents and providing information, advice and guidance enabling them to make better more informed choices to build strong and secure families.
Project Services
Face to face drop-in appointments for Somali parents in Haringey
Support in filling out forms, applications and writing letters
Information and guidance on housing, debt, benefits and discrimination
Advice on healthcare and accessing NHS health and social care services
Advice on your child’s schooling and better communication with School
Information on family goal setting for learning and development
““Before this, we were a bit out of the loop and voiceless but now we have a forum where we can talk about things and the good thing is, others are able to relate to what’s being discussed and people from organisations or even Haringey Council attend the coffee mornings and hear our voices directly and it’s important that they do or nothing will change otherwise. I am very happy with these groups and hopefully will continue to be in service as the community needs something like this, there just isn’t many of these. It’s important.’’
Zainab Mahamoud, 49 - Tottenham resident ”